What To Do When you F*ck Up

Each and every time you fuck up should be a time where you learn.  If you're applying the knowledge gained from when you screw up, it will be very rare that you make the same mistake twice.  A flaw-free live is completely impossible, as much as the A-type personalities of the world wish it were so.  However, a life lived with integrity and purpose is as close as we can get.  Don't allow your missteps to prevent you from finishing your path, and don't allow your dirty shins and skinned knees to give you permission to sit down and throw up your hands.

What you Need > What you Want

If you focus on how your needs are being filled rather than how your wants are left lacking, you can find a whole other level of peace and contentment that will permeate your life and eventually lead to your wants becoming subtly sated.  So many times we fixate on how our wants are being supposedly ignored, and we can allow ourselves to totally torpedo how our needs are being amazingly fulfilled.


The problem does not come when we make the mistake.  The problem comes when we refuse to acknowledge that mistake and therefore deny ourselves the opportunity to ruminate on it, examine it, dissect it for the valuable information that it holds.

As of yesterday, I have hit 50 followers on this blog, and I just wanted to say that I am so grateful to each and every one of you!  Thank you so much for the feedback you have given, and for taking the time to actually subscribe.  I am thrilled that so many people see... Continue Reading →

Don’t Let Your Focus Override Your Purpose

As much as we need that inner fire, and at times we do need to block out the outside world if we want to get anything accomplished, if we do that all the time sometimes we will miss the fact that perhaps our purpose is changing, or should change.  A lot of times we settle on a goal and do our darndest to reach that goal without actually stopping to analyze if that target is actually within the scope of where we want our life to end up.

Inspiration Must be Sought

If your feed is filled with people who are constantly hustling and improving themselves, you cannot help but feel obligated to catch up.  If your feed is filled with memes glorifying laziness and constant partying, you will feel pretty great about where you're sitting and feel completely unmotivated to change.

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