The Price of Passion

Passion. It's something that everyone can sense but not fully describe. It's like the wind in the trees: you can't see it, exactly, but you can definitely see its effects. Or like an errant wave in the ocean: you don't expect it, but the force can knock you off your feet and whisk you away... Continue Reading →

100th Post!

Wow!  I can't believe that this is my 100th official blog post!  It's crazy to think that almost 2 years ago I sent my first thoughts out into the interwebs, and now here I am with over 100 official follows who are complete strangers (along with friends and family who just like my Facebook page)... Continue Reading →

When Endless Summer Ends

I just looked at my calendar and I realized that I have only a week and a half of full freedom left, and only two weeks until my classroom will be filled with students old and new, outwardly showing the 'cool guy' devil-may-care attitude and inwardly agonizing over every little thing. With the new school... Continue Reading →

Love Should Be Unconditional; Relationships Should Not

Love is an amazing emotion, stronger than any other that exists.  When it is given freely and felt authentically, it truly does not have conditions, and it accepts and forgives and embraces and is the most wonderful feeling in the world.  

However, no matter how amazing this emotion is, the vessel that houses it cannot keep producing it without being refueled, somehow, in return.  This is why there needs to be conditions on relationships.

What ACTUALLY Holds Us Back?

Most people make the excuse that they don't do x, y, or z because they simply don't have enough hours in a day.  Yet clearly this excuse falls flat when held up to examination.  Everyone who is highly successful is able to achieve a high volume of things, while everyone who is average seems to struggle to accomplish even the simplest tasks.

Why Expectations Always Punch You in the Face

I'm realizing that I need to accept people for who they are and let them react to things in the way that they're going to react and (this is key) BE OK WITH THEIR REACTION.  Above all, I need to assume that people have positive motivations, not negative (until PROVEN incorrect).

So You Graduated…Now What?

Graduating is an awesome yet 100% terrifying time of your life.  You are SO SO SO ready to leave home, yet since home is the only place you've truly belonged for 18 years, it's completely terrifying to totally let go.

The Power of Explicity

In the education world, the year is drawing to a close (Cue OMG OMG OMG IT'S FINALLY HERE!!! *happy dance*  But I digress).  In my district, we have 9 days until freedom, and it's always around this time frame that I find myself reflecting on the school year and realizing the myriad of ways I,... Continue Reading →

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