The Perks of Almost Dying

Realizing how fragile life is is scary. That fragility doesn't seem quite real until something tips you towards the ground as you're hurrying along minding your own business, and you feel the slow motion seconds ticking by as you speed towards the cobblestones, suddenly very aware that you are made of the finest crystal and not built for bouncing. Sometimes, this newfound, profound knowledge comes too late as we slip through the fingers of fate and shatter on the ground. Other times, we are caught in the nick of time, centimeters above the ground, taken back up to our perch and set free to run around as before.

What to do When a Friend Breaks Up with You

At the end of the day, I have no idea what pushed her to end the friendship so abruptly. Perhaps there have been things that I have done that she's never brought up to me. Perhaps she really does feel that strongly about the political issue that led to our demise. Perhaps she simply felt that the relationship had run its course and was taking the easy way out.

Pandemic: A Catalyst for Change

I think it is fair to say that most of us are sick of the national debacle that is our nation's handling of the Covid-19 crisis. Karens screaming about masks, a mounting death toll, and seemingly endless hours of house arrest is enough to give even the sanest of folks an eye twitch. However, I... Continue Reading →

Black America: An Appreciation Post

I personally feel like we've been sleeping on the amazing lessons black culture can teach us for way too long. They are so full of love. So full of life. So full of ZEST. If you hang around those who embody black culture, you can't help but be drawn in. There is a magnetism that surrounds those who embody these positive aspects of black culture that cannot be denied.

#ICantBreathe: A White Woman’s Take on Recent Events

It's really easy to be outraged when you are a good person. And for good reason--there is a reason to be outraged seemingly every day. It's really hard, however, to actually do something. But if we, as privileged, everyday white people don't take action, the Ahmauds and Georges and Breonnas of the world will continue to be killed because no one will bother to say otherwise, and the world will continue to be a world full of empty outrage without nothing to show for it except more death, both of innocents and of hope.

Quarantine Kaleidoscope

While we are all still stuck in this quarantine, I would encourage you to make some serious time each day to work on your inner self: read spiritual or uplifting material, dedicate some time to solitude and reflection, and find ways to flex your growing 'inner peace' muscle whenever possible. This unexpected block of time, while delivered in a slimy garbage bag, could actually be the greatest gift of our generation and the start of a bright new future.

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